Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mother's Day!

I'm so excited to celebrate my first Mother's Day as a Mom of three!! Being a Mom is something God placed on my heart since I was a little girl. Getting to live it out everyday is the absolute best!! I love how each of my children brings a new and different reason of why I love being a Mom!!

Carter - the way he is so confident and his compassionate heart inspires me to be more like him!

Durant - his silliness and laugh is contagious and reminds me to not take life so seriously!

Ana - her carefree spirit and they way she loves with her whole heart is something I strive for everyday

Of course, I can't celebrate this day with out thinking of Durant and Ana's birth Mom's. Two remarkably brave women who put themselves aside for the love of their children. We love you Rebekah and Emma!

Happy Mother's Day!!!

1 comment:

Paula said...

What a precious tribute!