Saturday, July 11, 2009

4th of July!!

I'm a little behind. We had a fun 4th of July this year. We did our usual Carson park games and tour of the museum. We stopped for ice cream at the Dairy Queen and at night we went to the fireworks. All three of the kids really enjoyed them.

Ana was a little frustrated that her rings wouldn't go on so she walked right up there and set it on!

Ana getting a little help from dad and his coffee mug :)

Notice how excited everyone is to get their picture taken!!

Waiting for fireworks to start!

Carter's favorite fireworks are the ones that are yellow in the middle and zigzag everywhere. And just like his mom, he likes the smell of them too!!!

Durant really likes the red ones, but thinks they are all a little bit "carey" and they're going to get him.

Ana called them "pop" and kept saying "pop, where are you?" and blowing kisses and waving to the fireworks. It was really cute!

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