Saturday, June 2, 2007


Today was a full day! I couldn't image doing all of these things while having Durant. It was a very good idea to have a few days before I picked him up. I'm so glad I've done and seen all that I have. Today we did some more shopping and got even more wonderful things that I am going to have to be creative with packing them all. We also visited a museum/church and got a good history lesson about Ethiopia's religion. We also got to visit an orphanage where we delivered lots of our donations. I had heard that the babies at this orphanage were only in plastic bags for diapers. So we bought several diapers, wipes, formula, and baby food to bring. Thank you to many of you who donated money. Much of that money was used for these things for the orphanage as well as the meal tickets I purchased. Your money made a huge impact on Ethiopia!
Visiting an orphanage was another dream I've always had so it was great to be able to do that. This is a government run one so they do get some support, but are still in so much need. We got a tour of the entire place, school, and hospital. But of course my favorite place was the baby room. So many babies, about 14 in two tiny rooms. I got to play with them and I made sure to touch each one of them just in case they didn't get a chance to be touched very much today. I was also praying with each touch they could feel that there loved and very special. You know if they would have let me walk out of there with a baby, I would have done so in a heart beat! It was an experience I will not forget.
I plan on continuing to support this orphanage so if you are interested in hearing more, please talk to me when I return. Thanks again for your donations of items and money for these precious children!! So many of you have been to generous!!

1 comment:

Paula said...


This comment brought tears to my eyes: "I got to play with them and I made sure to touch each one of them just in case they didn't get a chance to be touched very much today."

That was so special!
