Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Bubble Wrap

I've been keeping all my supplies for Ethiopia in Durant's crib, which is in Carter's room. The other day I thought I'd better start looking through it to see what else I still needed to buy. While looking through my huge pile of supplies, the following conversation took place:

What in the world happened to my bubble wrap?

Carter: What, why?

Mom: It's all popped!!!

Carter: Oh yeah, I popped it.

All of it?

Carter: Yes

Mom: What am I going to do now, I was going to bring that to Ethiopia to pack the things I buy in so they don't break!!!

Oops.... I have some money, I could buy you some more.

Children keep us grounded or at least I should say mine keep me grounded. I have a bit of a tendency to overreact sometimes over little things. Carter (who is just like his dad) is awesome at showing me how to truly live life and to stay grounded. I love Carter's outlook on life. He doesn't freak out about the small stuff (certainly didn't learn that from me). So thank you Carter for reminding me to relax and enjoy life and reminding me that we can always buy some more!!!!!!


Nikki said...

Thank you Robin for bringing me some bubble wrap!! That was very sweet of you!!! Thanks for the donation of rubber gloves too!!!

Nikki said...

Thanks Heather and Darla for the bubble wrap too!! I think I'm all set now :)